Call for Artists: 19th Annual Three Rivers Artist Guild 2024 Holiday Show

By Lynda Orzen, 2024 Holiday Show Coordinator

The 2024 Three Rivers Artist Guild Holiday Show is taking place the weekend of December 7 and 8, 2024.

Times for the events will be:

Saturday from 10 am till 4 pm and Sunday from 10 am till 4 pm.

Set up will be on Friday, December 6 from 3 pm till 7 pm

Please do not show up any earlier unless you are assisting with set up.

Breakdown will be at 4 PM on Sunday. Early breakdown in not allowed! If you have an emergency, contact the organizer regarding your situation.

The Holiday Show is for TRAG membership that have been juried into a previous TRAG event. (Examples are Festival of the Arts, Spring Fling, Open Studios Tour or the Holiday Show)If you are sharing a booth, your partner must be juried in as well.

There are 39 spaces available. 36, 8 feet wide by 6 feet deep spaces at $70 and 3, 2 feet deep by 12 feet wide, these are spaces at the end of rows at $40.

If you are a returning artist from the 2023 show and would like to request the same location, please let us know where you were located.

You must have your own display set-up. There are tables available at the facility: 3 @ 30” by 96” and 9 @ 30” by 72”. Request a table now. Do not wait till the day of the event to request a table.

Please include at least 3 photos of your work for advertising purposes. We’ll have a postcard created to post on Facebook and email to clientele. There will also be Facebook postings for the event.

You will receive notification of acceptance by the end of October along with further instructions and information on set up.If you have any further questions or comments, contact Lynda Orzen at

The form is now closed. Thank you for your interest.