Storefront Art Gallery and Event project (SAGE) – Art Is Getting Installed!

5 more beautiful art pieces installed for the Storefront Art Gallery project to promote vacant available space for lease in Oregon City. Thank you to our site sponsors Jenna Edginton , Eugenia Kelly, and Victoria Meinig. Our Artists Melissa Gannon, Holly Kroenig, Nicholas Oatman, and Lucas Nickerson. And a big shout out to Tamara Scott who has been heading up the Storefront Art Gallery and Events project for TRAG. These are funded by a metro Enhancement grant through Oregon city, and are free to building managers/owners to promote vacant retail space. Contact us if you would like more information.

The SAGE Project, Storefront Art Galleries and Events. Taking It To the Streets!

On June 25th TRAG was awarded a grant from the City of Oregon City through the Metro Enhancement Program. The project is called The Storefront Art Gallery and Events project (SAGE) and will provide a way to bring much needed focus and exposure to Oregon City as well as a number of our small local businesses. The idea is to take the ugly brown paper coverings on the storefronts of vacant retail and commercial space and turn them into works of Art. TRAG is developing a plan now to reach out to painters, photographers, and 3D artists. All artists will be compensated for their work.

The second part of the SAGE project is to hold a total of 4 pop-up events over the next year inside a vacant commercial space. A local winery, brewery, or distillery would be invited to partner with the Artists to hold a community interactive event. The SAGE project would of course benefit Oregon City in that it could transform our streets into mini art exhibits bringing tourists and visitors. Additionally, however, it can also benefit a number of local businesses including: property managers, property owners, Artists, party event planners, local wineries breweries and distilleries.

A Call for Artists will be coming out shortly with detailed information.