This month the Gallery recognizes the work that a few of our volunteers do for all us to help keep the Gallery running smoothly. These are people that go over and above what is asked of them, and we could not continue to run the Gallery without them. When you see them, please be sure to introduce yourself and say thanks. I know I do every day.
Vona Adams-Lawrence has been part of our Gallery for over a year. Her 2D artwork focuses on oils, acrylics & watercolors. Prior to becoming a member of TRAG, Vona worked in retail for 42 years. When asked why she signed up to be the Gallery Supplier Coordinator, Vona responded “The Gallery provides me the pleasure of meeting customers and seeing how they enjoy all our artists artwork”.
Sue Woodworth is starting her 2nd year in our Gallery. As a seamstress by early trade, she enjoys designing clothes, costumes, art doll making, quilting, draperies and upholstering. Her Gallery artwork includes torch and kiln fired enamel on metal jewelry, 2D paintings and whimsical gourd birdhouses. As a new member, Sue jumped in quickly to volunteer during the Gallery’s Art In/Out process, the OCFOTA Event as the Entertainment and Food Vendor coordinator and attending Chamber of Commerce meetings with Trieste, TRAG’s President, to learn about opportunities for our TRAG members to participate in.
Most recently, Sue has agreed to take on the Marketing position on TRAG’s Board of Directors as well as joined the Gallery Committee as our Jury Coordinator. When asked why she volunteers her time, Sue responded “When I retired, I wanted to play with art. The natural course for me was to sell my art and become involved with other artists. I had no idea the scope of activities that an Art Guild could be involved in. It’s feels so good to be with other artists who have art
swirling around in their heads, heart and souls”.
Lynn Collum has been with TRAG about 10 years. As an artist, she enjoys photography, silversmithing, enameling, knitting, sewing and has recently added laser cutting and printing to her artwork. As a member of the Gallery Committee, Lynn, has been doing our Gallery financials and books for almost as long as she has been a TRAG member. Her dedication and hard work over the years in developing the forms and process that we use today is what allows the Gallery to accurately record and pay each Artist when they sell their artwork. Her volunteer work also includes volunteering at Art In/Out. When asked why she volunteers her time, Lynn responded “I love being there to see the new artwork coming in and saddened to see great artwork going out unsold. I have seen many changes in the way the Gallery operated and enjoyed working with many artists I met along the way. I have not been in the Gallery for past last year but look forward to coming back in when my personal and work life becomes less hectic.”
Jen Henry