
Our Annual Art Shows

Spring Fling
Art Festival

(members-only, jurying required for first-time participants)

Oregon City
Festival of the Arts

(open to all local artists, jurying is required for everyone)

Holiday Art
Show and Sale

(members-only, jurying required for first-time participants)

Oregon City Open Studios

(members-only, jurying required for first-time participants)
Black and white stylized image of the Oregon City public elevator on the left and the words "Oregon City Open Studios" on the right


TRAG requires all applicants for the members-only events to be juried once before they can apply. All artists applying for OCFOTA must be juried every year, without exceptions. Read more about getting juried before you apply.

Additional activities and events coming up

TRAG is always looking to expand the list of benefits for our members and for new opportunities to contribute to the community. Stay tuned!

Be the first to be notified about our events! Members are always the first, Consider joining TRAG if you are a local artist.


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