Maria Cowling
My fused glass studio is between Carver and Redland in Oregon. Email me at if you see something you like or want to talk about a custom piece.
Here at StoneFireGlass I begin with sheets of glass. It is cut and shaped and carefully arranged to achieve the desired design. It is then placed into the kiln and fired to temperatures up to 1500 degrees and may be in the kiln for +15 hours. Some designs require multiple times in the kiln with sanding, grinding, and the addition of glass elements between firings to achieve the desired results. Each piece is a unique creation based on my imagination and how the glass flows and reacts in the kiln. I hope you enjoy my art as much as I enjoy creating it. The designs stand alone, or can be used as an element in multimedia art and jewelry.
Would love to connect. Your work is beautiful. I’m also located between Redland and Carver but have not done any glass work for at least 10 years. Age and arthritis have taken a tole and my studio is unused. Good luck with this show.
Thanks fro reaching out. It would be fun to connect. I really just do fused glass as a hobby. I do a couple sales each year so I can buy more glass.