2022 Holiday Show
By Lynda Orzen, Holiday Show Coordinator
The art show only had 28 artist this year with space for 10 more. Let’s hope we can fill it in 2023. This was our 15th annual event-yes 15! Our guild is going to be 16 in 2023! The Holiday Show is only open to members of the guild. The Oregon City News had a wonderful article with one of our artists on the front page! We shared advertising with several other events in the community along with a ½ page ad in the OC News. Over the years, the guild has donated over $7,000 to the Pioneer Community Center’s Meals on Wheels program!
Major kudos to Melody Bush for Facebook advertising, Ingrid Aubry for our postcards and posters – each year they just get better, Kerry Edwards, volunteer coordinator and my right-hand, Lynne Collum for name tags and booth signs and Yelena Shabrova who managed all the computer magic! Couldn’t have done this without good teamwork. Thank you for being so resourceful and fun to work with!