In-Person January Meeting!!

Updated January 8th, 2022: based on the results of the membership survey, the January 10th general meeting has been canceled. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

We will be returning to in-person meetings starting in January!! Our first meeting, on Monday January 10th, will be at the Pioneer Center basement meeting room from 7-8:30 pm. We will have a very short business meeting and then spend a bit of time brainstorming ideas for the future of TRAG.

I would appreciate it if people could think about the following things and bring your ideas with you on January 10th:

1. Would you be interested in changing the TRAG member meeting time to a Saturday from 10am-12:30pm or 1;00pm? This would allow for longer presentations/art workshops; allow members who are not able to drive at night to attend; more social time to connect with fellow artists. The schedule would be:

10:15-10:45 (MAX!)–Business meeting
10:45-12:30–Program (workshop and/or presentation)
12:30-1:00–Sharing of art brought in by members (critique if desired)

2. Presentations/workshops you would like to see offered.

3. How important is it to you to have a Gallery associated with TRAG? Would you be willing to participate on a committee to work on finding a new Gallery space?

4. Would you be interested in having a fundraising Gala/silent auction this year?

5. Should we plan on having OCFOTA again this year or move that to every other year? Would you be interested in participating on the planning committee for OCFOTA if we move ahead with it this year?

Those are the things I can think of off the top of my head. We can have some discussion about these items, but the goal of the January meeting is to RECONNECT with each other!! There will be large post-it presentation pads around the room that you can write your suggestions on as you are socializing with others. The board will take the ideas you write down and make plans for this coming year.

I’m excited to be the President starting in January and am looking forward to a year of reconnection with members.

We will be following the CDC Guidelines and the current mandates put in place by our governor in order to keep everyone safe. Masks will be required and must be worn over your mouth and nose at ALL times while in the meeting. We ask that if you have any ill symptoms, that you not attend the meeting.

I hope you have a great holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you at the meeting in January.

Tamara Scott
TRAG President-elect