September 13th Virtual Meeting: Stevens-Crawford Heritage House proposed transition to arts center

We are having a TRAG member meeting on 9/13/21 from 7-8:30 pm on Zoom.  

Please come and hear a presentation about the Stevens-Crawford Heritage House Museum proposed transition to a community arts and culture center.   

This new direction would establish Stevens Center for Arts & Culture (SCAC) as a destination in Clackamas county.  This is exciting news for TRAG members!  

We will also be discussing the upcoming election of officers and our board members can answer any questions you have about the board positions. This is an exciting time for our guild. Come and hear all that is happening!  

Hope to see you there.
Tamara Scott, secretary.

Meeting Details

Time: Sep 13, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 869 7416 5515
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Passcode: 090554
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