July 8, 2024, TRAG General Meeting


Musical Chairs(Art) activity – We will be creating collaborative artworks for our OCFOTA silent Auction.  Bring your creativity as we paint, draw, write, and pass art pieces around at our July membership meeting.  This activity will be free to participate in with all materials being supplied, but please feel free to bring your own materials if there is something you prefer to work with.  We will provide acrylic paint, colored pencils, markers, acrylic pens, pastels, and oils pastels. There will be 10-15 panels, canvases, and mounted paper for painting, drawing, and mixed media activities.  Each artist will get about 5 minutes to add to the piece before they pass along the canvas to the next person.  Think musical chairs, but with art and nobody gets “out”.  All pieces will be auctioned off at the Oregon City Festival of the Arts Silent Auction in August.

Cathy Rowe
TRAG Vice-President


June 10, 2024, TRAG General Meeting


Incoming board chair of the Oregon City Chamber of Commerce, Matthew Broderick will be presenting information about the upcoming local redevelopment campaigns around the old courthouse and the elevator plaza.  These projects could hold some potential opportunities for TRAG and our member artists.  This is your chance to share what you would most like to see happen in these spaces.

Cathy Rowe
TRAG Vice-President


May 13, 2024, TRAG General Meeting


Becky Dawson of “One Lane Road” will give a presentation on her road to opening her own gallery/shop/studio space in Oregon City.

In her creative journey, Becky explores captivating realms and embraces unique perspectives. Her artistic process loosely weaves together the influence of mythical creatures, animals, humans, nature, and the sweet and simple elements of her everyday life. Beauty, mystery, curiosity, and humor converge in Becky’s work, unveiling the enchanting crossroads of her perceptions and emotions. Since 2011, she has been illustrating and designing a line of home and paper products. In 2020 Becky started painting, and in 2022 she started making ceramics.


March 11, 2024, TRAG General Meeting


6:30 pm Call to Order
Welcome Members & Visitors
Secretary Report
Treasurers Report
Co-Vice President Report
Membership Report
New members
• Morgen Barrett – jewelry/textile artist and painter. Volunteered for Holiday Show
• Becky Dawson- watercolors, ceramics. Shop: One Lane Road in Oregon City. Help with Guild
• Greg Roll from Gresham is a photographer of landscapes and wildlife who will help with monthly meeting programs.
• Welcome Project Coordinator
• Aug 10-11, 9-4 pm
• Application deadline May 15
• Volunteer Sign-up/Volunteer Meeting
Spring Fling Update
• May 4 & 5 10-4 pm at Pioneer Community Center. Set up Friday May 3, 3-6 pm
• Deadline March 31. Notification of acceptance first week of April
Open Studios Update
• ??Oct 13, 14, 15. 10-5 pm.
End of Business

Program: How to Price Your Art and More Art Critiques

Last month’s critiques were so popular that we are doing it again! Bring a piece of art for a group critique after a short presentation on “How to Price your Art”. Erin Redding will go over the basics of how to price your artwork and the many things to consider when thinking about the monetary value of your art. We will have a few surprise “mini guests” from different media types within the guild to tell us about their pricing methods and considerations.

February 12, 2024, TRAG General Meeting



Supportive Art Critique!

Members: Bring 1-2 pieces for a constructive, interactive, and thoughtful review from your peers (work in progress is great).

The presentation will start with a short “How to” on how best to critique another artist’s work in a supportive way. How to critique without being critical. Also, what kind of things do galleries and shows look at when critiquing your work? How do we take this experience of critically thinking about others work to look critically at our own work. Cathy Rowe will present.

We will then have a show-and-tell where anyone that wishes to may show their piece (works-in-progress are great) to get feedback from those present. We will try to limit the time per person to 5-10 minutes each depending on how many people bring in work. Please only bring 2 pieces if the second piece is in some way important to the viewing or explanation of the first piece, such as: the beginning of a series, a shift in style or niche, or a reference to past work.


January 8, 2024, TRAG General Meeting



Daria Loi will be speaking about the newly opened Imperfecta Gallery in Downtown Oregon City.  The Gallery had its grand opening November 11, 2023.  She will be speaking to us about her journey to finding this unique space and bringing it to life.  Daria is an international artist that has experience creating art, curating art, and operating an art business.  Imperfecta Gallery is located at 117 6th St. and shows international and local art (including a few TRAG member artists).


November 13, 2023, TRAG General Meeting – Elections, Cupcake party and Volunteer Recognition!


Meeting Agenda

Election of new board members.

We are looking for volunteer board members who would be a piece of a larger puzzle. How about your best art friend in TRAG? How about you?

Presidents position. Where and what should TRAG continue to do: HELP TAKE US THERE.

Help a committee plan one of our festivals.

Secretary position. Take notes and print them up for the board and newsletter.

Vice-presidents position. Plan fun ideas for our monthly meetings:

Whew! That sounds like a lot of work unless we concentrate on more hands to help. TRAG members have lots of ideas and you can HELP TAKE US THERE.


Program: Cupcake party and Volunteer Recognition!

This is our last meeting of the year. We look forward to seeing you!

Bonus to the next Vice President:
The Vice President is one of the open positions for next year. Two of the activities for next year are already arranged! This will give you a start in planning presentations for the monthly  meetings. Consider all the benefits of being TRAG’S next VP!


October 9, 2023, TRAG General Meeting


Program: art swap!

For October’s general meeting we will be bringing back the art swap!!

This is your opportunity to pass on any art supplies you are no longer using and best of all, get some free art supplies you never even knew you needed!

It can be anything at all including storage containers, papers, paints, tools, glass, wood, canvas, etc. on into infinity.
October is a great time for purging so now you have a great excuse.


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