TRAG Member, Cathy Rowe, Wins the Soulflags Art Mural Contest!
Soulflags Art Center, a new addition to Main Street, is bringing an opportunity for the community to take part in beautifying the intersection of Hwy 99E and Main Street with several mosaic panels of well-known masterpieces altered to include an Oregon City landmark or icon. In addition, Soulflags created an art design contest for one of the panels to be created by a local artist.
The winner of this contest was Cathy Rowe, who recreated Henri Matisse’s “The Dance” with the figures depicted as pioneers with the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in the background. Soulflags will recreate an outlined/sketched version of Rowe’s painting onto a grid pattern of sixty 6-inch x 6-inch square tiles for the community to glaze/paint. These tiles combined will make a 3-foot by 5-foot mosaic masterpiece.
With several mosaics completed at TRAG’s Festival of the Arts, tiles will be available to glaze/paint at Oregon City’s Saturday Market on several occasions if necessary. Dates to be announced as Soulflags needs to contact the OC Saturday Market to coordinate. Soulflags will fire the ceramic tiles and grout the tile to concrete backer board. Mosaics will be displaced locally prior to placing on building located at 504 Main Street.
Visit for more information.
Trieste Andrews