Virtual Guild Meeting – the Use of Instagram and Facebook for the Artist

by Kristina Browning
Monday April 13th 7:00 pm

If you’ve noticed some wonderful updates and changes to TRAG’s Facebook and membership Group Facebook lately, that is the work of Kristina Browning. In addition to a degree from the Art Institute of Seattle plus a successful Real Estate business and a podcast about home aesthetics, Kristina is highly knowledgeable in all kinds of social media marketing. You may also be familiar with Kristina’s own website, Facebook page and Instagram feed called Oregon City Guide which she created to promote and enhance all things about Oregon City.

TRAG is extremely fortunate to have Kristina give a Virtual Presentation through Zoom regarding the use of Instagram and Facebook and how to use this to promote your Art. Kristina plans to start from the basics and then open up the presentation for questions. If you have not used Zoom before, it is the leading app for on-line and virtual meetings. You will be able to see yourself and all attendees. You will automatically be on mute once you link in. By a raise of hands, the presenter will be able to call your name, which at that time you can unmute yourself and ask your questions. No worries – it is actually very simple and user-friendly. Here’s a great video on how to join a ZOOM call and use it for the first time: Watch this video BEFORE the scheduled call below so you’ll feel comfortable with what is happening.

You will need the following information to join on April 13 th –

Here is the link to Join the Zoom Meeting:

Here is the Meeting ID which you will need once you click the link: 220 849 5102

Click on the link (or copy it into your browser bar) at least 15 minutes BEFORE THE MEETING STARTS so you can work out the download part (reference video above for how) – downloading zoom only has to be done the first time you use it.

See you at the meeting!

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