Murals Are Back!

With the mural code now near completion, plans for murals are already underway. A restoration of the Trolley above Don Pepe’s restaurant at 705 Main Street will begin on September 20th. TRAG’s own Cathy Rowe is the Lead Artist and Project Manager. Spotters are needed to direct traffic on the sidewalk as Cathy will be using a scissorlift. If you would like to participate in this exciting fun event, contact

A new mural funded by TRAG through the Metro Enhancement grant is planned for next year at White Rabbit Black Ink Coffee Shop on the corner of 99 and Main Street. Lead Artist for this project will be an artist from the Confederated Tribes with help from TRAG Artists. Plans for a theme depicting waterfalls and rivers are currently in discussion stage.

Lynda Orzen, a TRAG member and volunteer for the Friends of the Library, will be hiring TRAG artist Lucas Nickerson to create a mural on the Friends of the Library Building. The building is located 814 7th Street.

Keep your eye out for more updates as murals start to adorn Oregon City once again.

Trieste Andrews

Murals are back in Oregon City!

You can now apply for a permit to paint a mural on your building!We’re very excited that the City Commission has seen how important murals are to the vibrancy and activity in downtown spaces. This week they approved the NEW mural code! You can start applying for those permits now! 

It’s taken several years to see this happen and DOCA is very grateful to the City staff and Commission and especially the Three Rivers Artist Guild for helping us make this a possibility. If you are interested in painting a mural on your building and would like to start the process, we’d be happy to help. 

More information and the application information is coming shortly, but we wanted to share with you right away so you can start getting your creativity working!

Murals to Oregon City Coming Soon!

The mural code is on its final stages of being accepted by the City of Oregon City. After a year of hard work by Laura Terway Oregon City Community Development Director, Matthew Weintraub Toursim Specialist, the Oregon City Commissioners Board, and with the help of TRAG, the code is in its final stages of acceptance.

TRAG has already applied and received a grant through the Metro Enhancement Grant for two mural projects A restoration of the mural at Don Pepe’s of the Street car Trolley on Main Street will begin in September, and a new mural at the corner of 99 and Main Street at the White Rabbit Black Ink Coffee shop is in the planning stages.

Thank you Cathy Rowe from the the Three Rivers Artist Guild for all your hard work in helping to prepare the grant application. We are excited to have the funding available as soon as the mural code is in place. Keep your eye out for updates as we prepare for these two exciting mural projects.

Support Murals in Oregon City

It has come to TRAG’s attention that there is no code in place to allow for the installation of murals in Oregon City. Although they were allowed in the past, the code has since been changed to coincide with the rules and regulations of signs. As a result, because the allowable sign dimensions are so restrictive, a large mural is no longer permitted.

We believe it is in the best interest of Oregon City to revise the current code, and once again allow murals to be installed. The aesthetics of murals within a City can greatly enhance a City’s character. Moreover, they can create an atmosphere that is conducive to tourism and commerce – and ultimately a thriving economy. Silverton, Estacada, and The Dalles are all relatively smaller towns. However, they are famous for their murals. As a result, they use these beautiful artistic creations in their marketing and advertising to build a stronger economy for their merchants.

We are asking for your support to change the code and once again allow murals in Oregon City. We want to make it clear that we are NOT asking for financial support. There are a multitude of grants available to fund this kind of project once they are permitted. What we do need from you is your voice and patronage. If you would like to support this exciting initiative, you can fill out the short form below that follows a letter of support.

The letters will be collected by TRAG and submitted to the City Commissioners to show our community’s support for murals in Oregon City. We will then follow up at a City Commission meeting with a short presentation and hopefully a vote of confidence to start the code change. There is strength in numbers and being able to voice our vision of a more beautiful Oregon City to those in charge can bring it to fruition.

Art changes who we are as human beings. It can transform a life, a community, a culture. Let’s work together to bring back the allowance of murals in Oregon City.


Trieste Andrews,
Three Rivers Artist Guild

Porch Parade

The Three Rivers Artist Guild was asked to participate in the Portland Rose Festival Porch Parade. Rather than the public going to the rose festival parade in these times of isolation, the public can take a drive and see over 300 porches decorated in honor of the rose festival!These three pieces are installed at 2818 NE 10th St in Portland. Thank you Lucas Nickerson for the oxen, Susan Woodworth for the covered wagon, and Trieste Andrews for the Winged goddess. Go to for more info and a map! The porches will be decorated from May 16 to May 30.

More details:

Women’s Heritage Figures – Call for Artists!

Did you know that this year 2020 celebrates the 100th anniversary of Oregon’s ratification of Amendment 19 which placed women’s voting rights in the Constitution? TRAG has been asked to participate in a year long celebration celebrating women’s rights over the past 100 years. Clackamas County Heritage Council, CCHC, recently asked the Guild to create ten 5-foot cut out figures that depict women’s rights since the mid 1850’s.

These will have a cut out for the face so that the public can take pictures of themselves inside them. Think of the Suffragettes of the 1800’s, Rosie the Riveter from the 1940’s, the bra-burning hippies from the 1960’s, and the #metoo women’s march just 2 years ago. These are only some of the ideas we will be presenting to our artists and participating sponsors.

They will be installed in various places around town, and will receive recognition and exposure through social media, newspapers, and a possible “scavenger hunt”. Artists will be compensated for their work in creating the figures.

Please email if you would like to be a part of this exciting event either as an artist or a volunteer.

More information to follow. 

Updated on May 3, 2020

Thanks to all who volunteered for this project. Originally 8 TRAG artists were going to create historical figures depicting women’s rights to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Women Suffragette movement. Each figure was to be a life-size cutout which the public could take a photo opportunity with. They were to be installed at the Heritage sites and various businesses in Oregon City. However, when the pandemic hit, the plans were put aside.
A virtual meeting with the Clackamas County Heritage Council was held on April 15th. Possibilities were discussed to either postpone or continue by a different method. Ideas were considered such as an application like Jib Jab where the public can superimpose their faces onto virtual figures and/or the distribution of coloring books. A second meeting took place just this past week, and it was decided to decrease the number of heritage figures from 8 to 2. These will be installed at 2818 NE 10th Ave in Portland from May 16-30th during the “Parading in Place” event sponsored by the Rose Festival. Go to ( for more information on this fun event.

Updated on September 6, 2020
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