May 8th, 2023 Guild Meeting

Meeting Agenda

To be announced later.


Program: writing compelling artist statements

Susan Schenk will present a workshop on writing compelling artist statements

An artist’s statement tells others about you and your work. Writing one is a powerful exercise for articulating your passion and art. But, it also a challenge to capture in words what is often so hard to express and intangible. No matter your medium or level of proficiency, a good statement is a useful tool.

In this workshop, you will be guided through a series of questions to gather information to create a sophisticated artist’s statement, and to deepen your thinking about your own art making. If you are happy with your current artist’s statement, then write a statement for the fabulous artist you aspire to be, so that you can set that intention into the universe. Or, answer the questions as preparation for when you are interviewed for a national artist’s publication.


April 10th, 2023 Guild Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Opening Remarks: Welcomed to all members and visitors.

Secretary Report: Cathy Rowe
Presentation of March minutes

Treasurer’s report: Nancy Graham

Membership report: Sue Thomas

Co-Vice President report: Jeanne Kelley-Brown and Melissa Gannon

Events: Lynda Orzen
Spring Fling and Oregon City Festival of the Arts

Volunteer Coordinator: Kerry Edwards

Old Business:

Vote on Membership Increase.
As per TRAG Bylaws, this information needs to be placed for 2 consecutive months in the newsletter. In the Fall of 2022, the membership dues for individuals were raised but other membership dues remained the same – an oversight! Dues will be $50 for families or two people living at the same address and $20 for students. This is a $10 raise in both categories.

New Business

Discussed at the March meeting was having a new membership for businesses. The purpose would be to have businesses in a supporter category. Still discussing what the rate for the new category would be and how we would present them for events.


Program: selling your art

Melissa Gannon will present ideas about selling your art. Topics will include: tuning into artists who are doing what you want to do via websites, podcasts and classes, applying to galleries and shows, looking for grants, print on demand sites, taking stock of your unique skill set and thinking of ways that you can offer a product or service.


March 13th, 2023 Guild Meeting

Meeting Agenda

By Lynda Orzen, TRAG President

1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks: Lynda Orzen
2. Welcome and introduce Guests and New Members
3. Treasurer’s report: Nancy Graham
4. Co-Vice President report: Jeanne Kelley-Brown and Melissa Gannon
5. New business: Spring Fling and Festival of the Arts update


Program: Setting Up Your Booth

By Mitzi Kugler, TRAG Member

Learn valuable tips from others that have participated in art shows for years and pick our brains. Take advantage of learning from those of us who are experienced.

From setting up your tent, supplies and more.


February 13th, 2023 Guild Meeting

Meeting Agenda

By Lynda Orzen

Welcome to members and guests: Lynda Orzen
Treasurers Report: Nancy Graham
Presentation of minutes: Cathy Rowe
Vice Presidents reports: Melissa Gannon and Jeanne Kelly-Brown
Membership report: Sue Thomas
Event and program reports: Lynda Orzen
Presentation: Susan Woodworth


Program: Just bits and snips of tips and tricks – Silver Gleem Soldering

By Sue Woodworth


What can you do with a molten dab of 400+ degree Silver Solder?

Join me at TRAG’s member meeting on February 13th. I will demo the flow of molten solder onto copper. Let me show you the use red rubber stamps and brainstorm where we could go from there. I will have many soldering irons set up for everyone to have a chance to flow solder onto the back of an earring charm. Then pick a red rubber stamp and splat your design. Everyone has a chance to make a pair of earrings.

Join me for a scorching hot time. Feb 13th meeting starts at 6:30pm


Special Announcement

Lynda Orzen and I met with the Co-Presidents of Brush and Palette studio. Most of you have probably passed this quaint, vintage barn-like building on Jennings and McLoughlin. Inside is a bright, warm and cozy studio that is quite large.

Jackie McIntyre and Wendy Dehart are the co-presidents’. We have invited them to join our Feb, 13th TRAG member meeting. They will discuss all sorts of possibilities of joining their painting days, planning painting playdates or renting the studio for a class.


January 9th, 2022 Guild Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Welcome to members and guests
Treasurer Report: Nancy Graham
Presentation of minutes: Cathy Rowe
Vice Presidents reports: Melissa Gannon and Jeanne Kelly-Brown
Membership report: Sue Thomas
Holiday Show Report: Lynda Orzen


Brainstorming session to give input on programs and events for 2023.

This is the time to share ideas on what you would like to see during our meetings and any new projects to undertake this year. When sharing ideas for projects, consider how you might be able to volunteer in some way to make that project happen.

Some ideas shared in the past include creating an artist bio, how to set up a great display for events, learning new techniques, First Friday on Main Street, road trips to a winery or to the woods for a meeting and to create art. At our last meeting there was some discussion about an Open Studios Tour-again, we’d need manpower to pull this off!

The community room at the library is now open so we could put on classes at the library in the future. Put your thinking caps on and let’s see what kind of fun projects we can create in 2023.

The board will be meeting in the next week to discuss your input and the coming year.

Good of the Order

Members have anything to share with the group; upcoming events, awards, shows, or a new grandbaby.

Lynda Orze
TRAG Co-President

November 14th, 2022 Guild Meeting

There are life coaches, financial advisors, fitness trainers and therapists all eager to guide you to a better life. They’re eager to multiply your assets, diminish your vulnerabilities and coach you toward your goals. When it comes to our lives as artists, however, the professional coach pool is a little cloudy. If you search “art coach” you will find dozens of options. Their services range from “clearing your negative energy” to “how to make millions as an art entrepreneur.”

Maybe we need to do a little self-assessment before we even think about handing over money to have someone just listen to us. At the TRAG meeting, we’ll figure out if we need a coach, you’ll meet a coach and be a coach as we get clear on where we each are and where we want to go.

Susan Schenk
TRAG member

October 10th, 2022 Guild Meeting

Please join us at the October meeting on the 10th for our AMAZING ART SUPPLY SWAP!!! That’s right! If you have extra supplies, items you no longer need, materials for art that you no longer create bring them to the meeting. We’ll have tables set up and you can go home with new to you treasures… art books, paints, glass, brushes, fabric, clay, pastels, paper, pens, charcoal pencils, enamels, glitter, buttons, bows, bits and bobs! Better bring a box or two or some bags for your new to you supplies. This will all happen after our short business meeting so be prepared!

Rhoda Bohr
TRAG Vice President

September 12th, 2022 Guild Meeting

The September 12th meeting is going to be very inspirational! Everyone attending is strongly encouraged to bring a piece of the art you have created to show us all and talk for just a FEW minutes about how you created it!!!

Where was the photo taken? How much fabric was used? How long did it take to paint, carve, sew, mold, write, spin? We want to see what our wonderful members are creating so we can all be inspired by the vast amount of creativity and talent in this guild.

Seeing what someone else has done can really spark a thought or challenge us to try something new.

PLEASE join us on Monday the 12th at 6:30 p.m. Hoping to see LOTS of art on the 12th!

Rhoda Bohr
TRAG Vice Presiden

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