November 8th General Meeting by Zoom – Important!
Please join us by Zoom at the TRAG general meeting on November 8th at 7pm. The last meeting of 2021 will see out the current elected Board members and welcome our new board members in. You will be able to meet each of the nominees and vote that night if you have not already done so electronically through the email you received in October. Tamara Scott, the newly nominated president for 2022 will present her focus and vision for 2022. You will also be introduced to Rhoda Bohr, Vice President; Cathy Rowe, Secretary; and Nancy Graham, Treasurer.
TRAG is also excited to have a representative from Oregon Cultural Trust who will explain how a donation to Arts and Culture in Oregon can actually be paid by Oregon through your own personal taxes.
Most importantly, TRAG would like to hear from you, our membership, for your visions and hopes for TRAG in 2022.
Come join us on Monday November 8th at 7pm!
Meeting Details
Join Zoom Meeting at
Meeting ID: 875 7076 1894
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