TRAG Gallery Note

Our TRAG Gallery has had the best of times and better times are slowly brewing for our future. November 30  was met with Phil and Vicki Yates as we moved out of the Singer Hill building and they are remodeling for the future. We all will miss times spent together.

As gallery managers: myself, Jeanne Kelly-Brown, Holly Kroenig welcomed Tamara Scott’s help every step of the way as we took care of business. We all cleaned, lifted toted and moved items out the door. It wasn’t an easy task as the holidays are coming and we all were working on our art projects at the same time.

Over the month our gallery furniture was purchased and welcomed into several new local galleries. The rolling card rack was delivered to a new Art start up in North Portland. The old oak jewelry case that was originally purchased from an antique shop where “The Hive” is, went to an artist consignment shop in Sandy, Oregon. Tamara took on the challenge of listing miscellaneous pieces to Craigslist and Marketplace. All in all we sold a total of $1650 and had a a minimal load to the dump. We thank the muscle men: my husband and Holly’s for taking on some big tasks.

TRAG needs to include a gallery in its future in promoting new and established artists and keeping local art in the community. That future gallery will come in time.

Best holiday wishes from your Gallery Managers:
Sue Woodworth
Jeanne Kelly-Brown
Holly Kroenig

Sue Woodworth
Gallery Manager

TRAG gallery is going into storage

The TRAG gallery has been in Singer Hill Cafe for 10 years running very smoothly for all but the last year plus.  Unfortunately for us Singer Hill Cafe owners are remodeling for their future that will not include TRAG. We have been fortunate over all these years that the Singer Hill owners have offered us a home. We wish them well.

At this time with long discussions between the gallery managers and then a board vote we close out this chapter of the TRAG gallery at Singer Hill. The majority of gallery furniture has been sold and some went to the TRAG storage.

The gallery provided a special venue for new artist to experience being juried and sell their art for the first time. With an all volunteer TRAG membership more than just a location to sell art formed. We weathered some difficult times together over the last year.

As we go into the next year, we hope to recreate another TRAG gallery to call home.

Sue Woodworth
Jeanne Kelly-Brown
Holly Kroening

Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts Update and Important Survey Due June 10th!

We have all experienced tremendous change this past year including the TRAG Gallery. First thanks to everyone who participated and supported the Gallery this past year.  I am pleased to say we are still hanging in there, but we are considering some changes and need our members’ input before moving forward. The following is an update on the Gallery and a questionnaire that we need your response on by June 10th.
Due to the absence of a tenant in the café, the Gallery has experienced much slower traffic, and some of you expressed a desire to find another space for the Gallery. TRAG board members made a concerted effort to find a different space but found that most spaces are double what we are paying. I would like to make everyone aware that the Singer Hill owners have done everything possible over the past year to keep us going. We would not be open without them, and we owe them our deepest gratitude and support.
Due to the slower traffic and vacant space at Singer Hill, we are considering keeping the Gallery open only from Friday through Sunday from 10-4 until the owners find a new tenant. Lesser hours will also help to man the gallery, which has been an issue over the past few months. Some members are more comfortable with a second person, but this has made it difficult to fill all spots. Please be aware that fees, commission percentages, and hours will remain the same – only the days will change. TRAG needs your input before putting any of these changes into place. Please fill out the following survey and return by June 10th. This will give us enough information and time to announce a Call for Artists.

The form is now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts update

The Three Rivers Gallery and Gifts welcomes spring and the long-awaited warmer days as artists fill the gallery for the April, May, and June rotation.

We all see the struggles for business to rebuild as the gallery struggles without a cafe. The owners of Singer Hill have begun to see a steady stream of prospective new tenants for the café, and we are grateful that they are diligent in finding a tenant that best fits our location.

The new spring rotation heralds in 24 of our steadfast artists and 2 new artists that have recently joined TRAG. Our social media team continues to reach out daily with posts on Instagram and Facebook. Remember to comment and share TRAG’s posts. This helps Facebook keep our Gallery in the public’s eye and bring people into the Gallery to see TRAG’s unique and beautiful Pacific Northwest art. The Gallery’s current hours are: Wednesday – Sunday, 10am to 4pm. 

Are you bored at home? Miss being around the gallery art and artists? We have Wi-Fi, large tables for artists to work on projects, and even coffee and lunch across the street at “The Hive”. Since TRAG prefers 2 artists per shift, we need your help for staffing. Come play with your art, your shift partner, or even just yourself – and visit for a half day or one-day at the Gallery! 

Sue Woodworth
Holly Kroening
Jeanne Kelly Brown
Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts Coordinators

Come start your Holiday shopping at the Three Rivers Artist Gallery and World HeARTs Fair Trade!

Open for Business November 27th!

Come start your Holiday shopping at the

Three Rivers Artist Gallery


World HeARTs Fair Trade

Both located at the Singer Hill Café on the corner of 7th and John Adams in Oregon City

Shop for unique handcrafted gifts made by local artists at the TRAG gallery and then visit World HeARTs Fair Trade for gifts around the world dedicated to environmental sustainability and economic growth.

Gift a gift to support art in our local community and International fair trade

Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts Update for September

By Susan Woodworth

By the time you read this newsletter, TRAG’s Gallery Art/in weekend August 28th, 29th 30th will have come and gone, and on September 2nd the TRAG desk’s welcome sign will have been turned on. The 4 musketeers: Trieste Andrews, Holly Kroening, Jeanne Kelly Brown and I spent lots of sweaty, fun and encouraging hours working together in the Gallery. Cheri Bosserman connected TRAG to our WIFI and set up the iPad for square charges – now ready for the Gallery’s first sale. Come visit, or bring your Art in for the September October rotation, and you will find new paint, new carpet, moved cubbies and jewelry cabinets, mopped floors and more slat wall sheets so pictures can be hung without holes in the walls. 
The new Yvonne’s at Singer Hill has also given us permission to hang 2D art in the café at their discretion. We will have the large area in the cafe room that leads into the Gallery. September and October will feature art from TRAG’s artists. Moving forward, we will dedicate this space for emerging artists from our local schools and colleges.

The new TRAG gallery committee continues to organize and do the necessary work to reopen our space. TRAG has a new Gallery/Artist contract, Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement and 2D and 3D tags and labels for artwork. These forms are all located on the TRAG website. 

Social distancing rules will be strictly adhered to. All art items will have visible tags for customers to view without having to pick them up. If customers wish to pick up the art, gloves will be required and supplied by the Gallery manager. As with all retail spaces at the present time, we will have social distancing signs, gloves, hand sanitizer, and masks required and available for all. 

We have had to follow the lead of Yvonne’s cafe opening in fits and starts in trying to pick a reopening date for the gallery. Our current rotation for September/October was chosen to whet the appetite of the customers. Our goal is then to provide a full November/December rotation for holiday shopping. As we move into the new year of 2021, rotations will be 3 months each.  

As I painted in the gallery over the last weekend, I had the first exciting glimmer of what Yvonne’s cafe clientele attendance (and potentially our own) will be like. My first clue was seeing “so many cars” parked all around the cafe. As I entered the café, I found people sitting at tables on the sidewalk, and people waiting to go in as they adhered to the social distancing rules.  All this – and Yvonne’s was still only serving coffee and pastries. The cafe will start serving breakfast the last weekend of August. Yvonne and her staff are just lovely and are excited as we are for TRAG’s potential for exposure. 

Note some TRAG gallery changes as we work with our new tentmates of Yvonne’s at Singer Hill.  TRAG artists coming to the gallery to work or visit must use the cafe’s main door. The door that enters the large room where the Gallery is located will remain locked per the cafe’s request. This is due to current COVID restrictions and ensuring that no more than the maximum number of people are allowed in the café space at one time. The café staff will be mentioning our Gallery as they bring customers to their seats.  We can use that door to put our Gallery sandwich board out each morning but place it by the main door. Make sure the door is relocked after reentering the café. Also, the café’s hours are 7am – 3pm. We will address those hours for the next rotation. Pre-Covid Singer Hill Cafe gave a TRAG members a 10% discount on any purchases made while working in the gallery. As Yvonne’s is just starting and having to run at 1/2 capacity we will not be asking for any discounts. Last but not least – make sure you wear your masks while working or visiting the gallery with noses covered. This is a state requirement for service industries.

If you have questions and concerns, please feel free to let the gallery committee know. Please be kind. Keep in mind that we are all volunteers working our hardest to promote you and our TRAG gallery. The suggestion box is gone. In its place is a blank journal for ongoing comments, suggestions and questions. Kind of like a Gallery Diary. These are difficult times, and we welcome not only suggestions, but any help you can give.

We welcome you to share our opening on your social media platforms and to all your friends and family.  TRAG Gallery and Yvonne’s at Singer Hill will be open 7 days a week 9-2pm starting September 2nd. See you there! 

Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts reopening update

Opening the TRAG gallery has been penciled in for September 2nd.   

Thirty-nine TRAG artists have been patiently waiting to fill the gallery to the brim with wonderful creations. Our goal is to follow the Oregon health guidelines in planning the safest environment for our artists and customers. 
We are limiting the number of artists at a time to bring in their art to the gallery over a 3 day period. A skeleton crew will stage the art and ready the gallery for our September 2nd opening.  We will have a mask, glove, and hand sanitizer table at our entrance and will monitor a limited customer flow for social distancing. In planning safety for our artists, some will not be working shifts in the gallery. Those who are at a higher health risk and / or hesitant to be in a more social situation will have their shifts covered by other members. Our hours will be shorter, from 9am – 2pm. 

We will not be celebrating our opening with an Artist reception in these pandemic times. We welcome you to come and see the Gallery changes, view, and possibly purchase your fellow members artwork. 

Sue Woodworth
Holly Kroening
Jeanne Kelly Brown
Three Rivers Artists Guild
Gallery Coordinators

Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts reopening update

Our schedule to reopen is being pushed out at least another 2 weeks.  

Due to COVID 19 and Singer Hill business plans I can share that we need to wait “for a go ahead”. We cannot put any dates in play at this time.      Be glad that our small gallery rooms have fresh new carpet that was installed by Trieste and her wonderful husband Roger. Roger also provided some molding stripes to complete our main room wall hanging area.  We have newly hung 4’x8′ and 2’x 4′ slat wall pieces for hanging pictures on so less wall space will have nail holes. Those came from a great find on Craigslist. I thank my husband for helping Holly and I put those up.  We were offered a great price on a rot iron jewelry display case and thank Sue Thomas and her husband for jumping from their seats immediately to pick it up.  A big thank you to Trieste Andrews who single handedly cleaned our bathroom~!!  Our small (for safety reasons) gallery cleanup/staging crew has just a bit more to pick straighten up.    

We are working on some tags that you can print to be used next to wall 2D and shelf 3D. Hang in there~!! 

Delay of plans is preferable to error. 

Sue Woodworth 
Holly Kroening
Jeanne Kelly-Brown
TRAG Gallery Coordinators

Three Rivers Artist Gallery Reopening August 1st and a Call for Artists!!

It is an exciting time for all of us! TRAG is taking precautionary but steady steps to reopen the gallery on August 1st dependent upon reopening regulations at that time.

Susan Woodworth,  Jeanne Kelly Brown and Holly Kroening will be co-chairing the Gallery and acting as Gallery committee. With our ever present Covid-19 challenges and restrictions in place, we believe it is in the best interest of the Guild and our members’ health to keep the Gallery Committee small.

After much discussion and review here is an overview of the Gallery’s plans and progress so far:

Gallery Renovation

  • A small group of TRAG members – Susan Woodworth, Holly Kroening, Jeanne Kelly Brown, Susan Thomas and Trieste Andrews – recently repainted the Gallery walls including the two small rooms and bathroom. We are also looking into replacing the rugs in the two smaller rooms. The walls are now a wonderful bright white to accent the forthcoming Artwork, and the Gallery is now much more visible as you step into the large room of the café.
  • Plans are also underway for additional signage and decorative items to draw customers’ eyes to the Gallery entrance.
  • Additionally, Yvonne’s has requested the Guild’s Artwork to be installed in all areas of the café. This will give our Artists considerably more space to display and sell their artwork.

Rotation and Hours of Operation

The 1st rotation will be from August 1st through October. Rotations will follow every 3 months with a new call for artists.

Art In: Saturday and Sunday, July 25th and 26th, 2020.
Art Out: Saturday and Sunday, October 24th and 25th, 2020.

Artists will be scheduled every 15 minutes. Artists will be responsible for their own inventory and Art items. We plan to make Art in and out… simple! Masks are mandatory and gloves and hand sanitizers will be made available.

  • The Gallery will follow the opening and hours of the café. If Yvonne’s Cafe is open per Oregon State Covid restrictions/requirements, the Gallery will remain open. If the Cafe is closed – The Gallery is closed. 
  • Hours:  The Gallery’s hours will also follow the Café’s, and will be 7 days a week, 9am – 2pm. Additional events at later hours are currently being discussed.
  • We appreciate that some of our TRAG members may be worried, fearful, and hesitant with a reopening the gallery. This is totally understandable. With that in mind, we are working on a plan to offer Gallery shift coverage for those who are not ready to venture out yet. 

Safety Precautions

  • When the gallery is open for customers, we will have a table set up with one-time disposable masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer. Only Customers wearing gloves will be allowed to touch artists’ items and look through bin prints and cards. Bin prints and cards will all require protective sleeves. No customer will be allowed to try on any jewelry or clothing accessories. 
  • All art displayed for sale must have a visible tag displayed on the front or next to it noting artist, medium and the price. This will prevent customers from handling the piece and turning it over to check price or contact info. 
  • A clear plastic barrier will be installed at the cash register and possibly a portable one for showing customers items in the jewelry cabinets. 
  • In discussions with Yvonne, she is adamant that her customers will be required to wear masks into the cafe to order, take out or wait inside for service. 
  • TRAG is currently looking into the maximum customers allowed inside the Gallery at any given time per Covid regulations. The 6-foot social distancing requirement will be strictly followed and calculated with the Gallery’s own square footage.  

Call for Artists

  • In celebration of the Gallery’s reopening, and the opportunity to install artwork throughout the café, we will welcome any and all artwork from our Guild members. Yes – if you created it and feel like you want to display it – send in your application!
  • The fee is $60 for the 3-month rotation ($20 per month). As before, Artists will receive 70% of each sale; TRAG will receive a 30% commission. 
  • The deadline to sign up for the August/September/October rotation is Sunday, July 19th, 2020.

Sorry. This form is no longer available.

Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts Update

On May 24th artists were given the opportunity to pick up their Art at the Gallery inside Singer Hill Cafe. Artists came in at 1/2 hour scheduled times, donning face masks to maintain social distancing, as Sue Woodworth and Holly Kroening helped gather their precious artwork. We are all asking “What next? When will we reopen? Is Singer Hill Cafe opening soon”? The owners of Singer Hill have wanted to sell the café business for quite some time. TRAG keeps in touch with them regularly, and we are delighted that potential new owners and creative business models are all being seriously considered. We are happy to report that all of these options always include the Three Rivers Artist Gallery. The tentative goal is to “possibly” have the Singer Hill Cafe and our TRAG gallery open the first of September 2020. Do we know that for sure – no, but let’s think positively! Be aware that we would need to be compliant with Covid-19 business restrictions and regulations. Our artists need to be thinking of how to display their art, manage their scheduled working time and being with the public. That is just a fact of this new environment we are in. 
The TRAG gallery management will look a bit different as we plan to reopen.  After much consideration ~ I will continue as the Gallery Coordinator. My goal is to be transparent with the workings of the Gallery, and oversee it with a fun, knowledgeable and idea-generating volunteer group.  I am looking to create a new gallery committee where big jobs can be broken down into smaller more manageable tasks. Since Cheri Bosserman is graciously taking over all of TRAG’s financing duties, we will need someone to manage the online scheduling. Holly Kroening will continue to manage our wall art. We are grateful to Vona Adams-Lawrence who has been managing all of the Gallery’s supply needs. Additionally, we need someone to watch over, cultivate and organize each rotation of gallery artists.
We are currently discussing some exciting new options for the Gallery when we reopen. We will continue to evaluate the 2-month versus 3-month gallery rotations. I would like to have 1-2 people dedicated to mentoring new artists regarding paperwork and salesperson skills, as they learn to work in the gallery. We also welcome ideas on the entry look to the Gallery – Something that will catch a person’s eye as they walk into the main room of the café, and a plan to implement it. Under the new management we will also continue TRAG’s “new artist jury committee”. We had our first meeting prior to our new Covid life but will meet again. I strongly see meetings held as zoom conferences or a potential outdoor meeting where we can easily comply with 6-foot distancing regulations. Our health and the accompanying chain of contacts will be a major deciding factor as we “mindfully” carry on from here. 
Does the idea of knowing more about the gallery, making our presence more notable in the community, and sharing and exploring new ideas interest you? I am eager to hear from you. You can contact me at I promise it will be fun and inspiring. There is nothing like art to bring a community together.

Susan Woodworth
Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts Coordinator

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