Taking it to the Streets! Preview of TRAG’s Potential “Storefront Art Galleries and Events”

On May 28th TRAG applied for a grant to bring artwork to the streets of Oregon City. The idea is to transform the brown paper that normally covers the storefronts of vacant space into works of Art. Artists will be compensated for their work. Additionally, the grant will include money to support 4 pop-up art events inside a vacant space to take place over the next year. Of course, TRAG will be following all the rules and regulations of social distancing as Oregon reopens. We will know if TRAG was awarded the grant money by the end of June.

If you are interested in participating in this exciting venture, please contact me at president@threeriversartistguild.com. I am looking for people that can brainstorm what kind of artwork we can offer, marketing the sites, participating with their art (all mediums will be considered), and volunteering for the artwork installation, take-down and events. I would like to hit the ground running if we are awarded the grant.

Keep your fingers crossed – and Thank you!

Trieste Andrews
President, Three Rivers Artist Guild

Kudos Korner – Ingrid Aubry

This month’s Kudos Korner contribution was given by multiple members of our Board:Ingrid joined the Oregon City Arts community in the late 1990’s and continued to work with the Oregon City Festival of the Arts after the commission was closed. In 2007 Ingrid Aubry was one of the founding members of the Guild, and she has never stopped contributing to the success of our organization.  Her contributions include the Three Rivers Artist Guild logo which has been an emblem of Art in Oregon City for almost 14 years. Ingrid has also always been TRAG’s go-to person for almost all of TRAG’s postcards, flyers newspaper ads and posters. Her offerings include graphics for the Oregon City Festival of the Arts, the Gallery, the community art events, and the Gallery Artists receptions – just to name a few.

As an artist in her own right, Ingrid excels in all forms of photography. Her favorite medium is photocollage mixing whimsy and vibrant colors into a unique creative piece. Look at Ingrid’s photocollage works of the OC Arch Bridge or the St John’s Bridge (highlighted on TRAG’s website in May) and you will immediately recognize it as Ingrid’s. Here is an artist who has indeed found her voice. Ingrid’s many accolades include the cover of the Around Town Chamber of Commerce magazine for 2020 and displays at both the Museum of the Oregon Territories and the End of the Oregon Trail Museum. In addition to Oregon City’s own local exhibitions, Ingrid currently has an image that was chosen by the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art in LA. This in fact is the second time they chose one of her pieces! Go to Ingrid’s website to see more of her work at  ingridaubry.com .

Please give Ingrid a shout out for all her work and dedication for TRAG – we would not be where we are today without her!

Open your Own Gallery through the TRAG Website!

Since January, the TRAG board has been in discussions about how to offer TRAG artists more opportunities to promote their art. You can now show up to 10 pieces of your art on TRAG’s website, have links to your own site and social media to market yourselves, and a short form for interested buyers to contact you. This new program will not only highlight the TRAG website with beautiful artwork but will promote our Artists as well. Please follow the instructions below to be a part of this exciting opportunity.

Starting with your gallery

Note: your profile on the website, which is referenced in the the password reset email (https://www.threeriversartistguild.com/wp-login.php), is only to give you an option to change the username, email, or password if you need to. You can ignore everything else you see there. 

All artist galleries are categorized by a primary medium. If you work in more than one, put the rest under “Tags” when you create the gallery. Tags don’t require capitalization, punctuation, or hash (#) symbols in front of them. Keep them as short as possible.

If you don’t want to publish a phone number or any other contact info, leave it blank, and it will not show on your gallery page. 

As you add images to your gallery, successfully uploaded images will show as thumbnails with a text field for artwork details next to it. You can upload more than one image at once. 

Editing your gallery

If you are still logged in, there will be the “Edit” button either under your gallery at https://www.threeriversartistguild.com/trag-artists/ or under your name in your gallery which will have a link similar to https://www.threeriversartistguild.com/trag-artists/YOUR-NAME/ (replace YOUR-NAME with your actual first and last name and a hyphen between them). Click it, and you will see the same form you used to create the gallery. Everything in it will be editable.

If you are logged out, go https://www.threeriversartistguild.com/trag-artists/?wpbdp_view=login, log in, and you will be taken to the list of galleries at https://www.threeriversartistguild.com/trag-artists/. You can find your galley under your chosen category at the top of the page or go to your gallery at  https://www.threeriversartistguild.com/trag-artists/YOUR-NAME/.

Getting help

If you have any trouble with setting up or editing your gallery, contact Yelena Shabrova at webmaster@threeriversartistguild.com.

TRAG announcement for June meeting

Welcome TRAG members!  In light of ongoing concerns with COVID-19 and out of consideration for our membership’s health and wellbeing, our June 8th meeting will be offered virtually via Zoom from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.  I am hoping you will join us, as this will be a meeting dedicated to you and hope you will find it a fulfilling way to connect with your fellow artists during this unprecedented time.

The theme of this meeting : “Artists In Residence !”

Our agenda for June 8, 2020: 

  • 7:00pm to 7:30 pm – Board member reporting and information about the Guild, gallery, plans going forward for TRAG
  • 7:30 – 8:00 pm – Members sharing their art.  We invite each member to showcase and share a piece you have been working on during this “artist in residence” time.  As you show us your work, let us know what inspired you and a little about your process creating your piece.
  • 8:00 – 8:30 pm – Membership sharing – open forum.  We invite you to share your experiences, thoughts, and worries over the last few months sheltering in; how it has affected you; changed, perhaps the way you are doing your work.  Please consider limiting the time of sharing to within 5 minutes, so that all, who would like to participate will have an opportunity to do so.
  • Finally, think about what you would like to see for future meetings and how often you would like to meet virtually. Likely, this will be our new way of connecting with our members in the months to come d/t COVID-19 and the TRAG community’s desire to keep everyone safe.

I look forward to seeing you all there for this very special event.  Look for the link to the Zoom meeting in the upcoming emails.  I so appreciate you all; wishing you well and staying safe.

Jeanne Cardana
Vice President, Three Rivers Art Guild

June Meeting Details

Topic: TRAG Guild Meeting
Time: Jun 8, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 843 1845 2782
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 843 1845 2782
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kr1njmiF8

Oregon City Festival of the Arts Cancelled

Due to the health issues surrounding the COVID 19 virus, and in order to protect both our members and the public, the Oregon City Festival of the Arts is canceled for 2020. Stay in touch through our website to see how we will be connecting through virtual applications and smaller venues and events. Please take care of yourselves and stay well.

Trieste Andrews
President, Three Rivers Artist Guild

Support Murals in Oregon City

It has come to TRAG’s attention that there is no code in place to allow for the installation of murals in Oregon City. Although they were allowed in the past, the code has since been changed to coincide with the rules and regulations of signs. As a result, because the allowable sign dimensions are so restrictive, a large mural is no longer permitted.

We believe it is in the best interest of Oregon City to revise the current code, and once again allow murals to be installed. The aesthetics of murals within a City can greatly enhance a City’s character. Moreover, they can create an atmosphere that is conducive to tourism and commerce – and ultimately a thriving economy. Silverton, Estacada, and The Dalles are all relatively smaller towns. However, they are famous for their murals. As a result, they use these beautiful artistic creations in their marketing and advertising to build a stronger economy for their merchants.

We are asking for your support to change the code and once again allow murals in Oregon City. We want to make it clear that we are NOT asking for financial support. There are a multitude of grants available to fund this kind of project once they are permitted. What we do need from you is your voice and patronage. If you would like to support this exciting initiative, you can fill out the short form below that follows a letter of support.

The letters will be collected by TRAG and submitted to the City Commissioners to show our community’s support for murals in Oregon City. We will then follow up at a City Commission meeting with a short presentation and hopefully a vote of confidence to start the code change. There is strength in numbers and being able to voice our vision of a more beautiful Oregon City to those in charge can bring it to fruition.

Art changes who we are as human beings. It can transform a life, a community, a culture. Let’s work together to bring back the allowance of murals in Oregon City.


Trieste Andrews,
Three Rivers Artist Guild

Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts Announcement and Survey

Greetings Three Rivers Artist Guild and Gallery Members –

Hope you and your loved ones are all safe and well. It’s been a time of uncertainty, anxiousness, and concern for all of us – but also a time of inspiration, introspection, and a reevaluation of what is most meaningful in our lives. Life is all about change. We are definitely in the midst of transforming into a new world.

I’m sure that many of you have been wondering what is happening with our Gallery at the Singer Hill Café in Oregon City. Since information from our City, County, State and landlord seems to change on a daily basis, we wanted to receive a more definite plan of action before contacting you all.

As you probably know by now, retail and art galleries in particular have already received permission to open. Currently, they are to follow the guidelines of retail stores such as Fred Meyers and Target which were deemed essential. The only requirements at this time are:

  • Limit the number of customers in the retail store and focus on maintaining at least six (6) feet of distance between people and employees in the store. Store management should determine maximum occupancy to maintain at least six (6) feet of physical distancing, considering areas of the store prone to crowding (like aisles) and limit admittance accordingly. 
  • Post clear signs (available at healthoregon.org/coronavirus) listing COVID-19 symptoms, asking employees and customers with symptoms to stay home, and listing who to contact if they need assistance. 
  • Use signs to encourage physical distancing. 
  • Frequently clean and sanitize work areas, high-traffic areas, and commonly touched surfaces in both customer/public and employee areas of store. Wipe down changing room doorknobs, walls and seating between each customer use. 
  • Require all employees to wear cloth, paper or disposable face coverings. Businesses must provide cloth, paper or disposable face coverings for employees.

In addition to these requirements, there are strongly recommended guidelines, but are not required. For these and more detailed information you can go to: Specific Guidance for Retail Stores.

I would like to make it clear that these guidelines for reopening a retail space are not a part of Phase I. Clackamas county, which the gallery is a part of, has not even submitted their plan to the Governor for approval. Mainly because Clackamas is more affected than other counties and has a longer process for submission and approval. When and if Clackamas County is approved for Phase I reopening, the above guidelines already in place will most likely entail more restrictions. This may include tracking customers entering the store in case of future infections. For complete information on each Phase of reopening, you can go to Reopening Oregon.

The TRAG Gallery has its own set of issues and concerns since we are located inside of a restaurant/café, and restaurants are not approved yet for reopening. Although the Gallery could potentially reopen by use of one of the Café doors, we would obviously lose the traffic from the café and the potential income. Additionally, the owners of Singer Hill Café are currently seeking a new owner and/or looking at a different business model for their site.

After much discussion at our TRAG Board meeting on May 15th and conversations with the Singer Hill owners, we have decided to keep the Gallery closed until the Café actually reopens. We have a potential date of September 1 st , but this of course could change.

If you currently have art in the Gallery, we will be in touch shortly with a plan and schedule on when you can pick up your art. We will have artists come in intermittently and require masks and other safety precautions as required.

TRAG is also deeply concerned about our members’ thoughts and feedback on reopening. Basically – we would like to know if you are comfortable yourself in participating in the Gallery when the Café reopens. If you would be so kind as to answer that question below, we will continue with our plans and guidelines for reopening. We will be sure to update you as time goes by and different guidelines are instituted by our governing officials. Take care and stay well.

Trieste Andrews
President, Three Rivers Artist Guild

Three Rivers Gallery & Gifts reopening survey

  • Remember that you will have to volunteer to manage the Gallery once a month while your art is displayed. This will entail meeting all the guidelines at that time for managing retail space.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Porch Parade

The Three Rivers Artist Guild was asked to participate in the Portland Rose Festival Porch Parade. Rather than the public going to the rose festival parade in these times of isolation, the public can take a drive and see over 300 porches decorated in honor of the rose festival!These three pieces are installed at 2818 NE 10th St in Portland. Thank you Lucas Nickerson for the oxen, Susan Woodworth for the covered wagon, and Trieste Andrews for the Winged goddess. Go to paradinginplace.com for more info and a map! The porches will be decorated from May 16 to May 30.

More details: https://www.facebook.com/events/2621436561471456/

Call for Artists: 2021 ODFW Art Competitions Announced. Deadline: 9/25

Artists are invited to compete in one or all three of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s 2021 stamp art competitions. The winning artist in each contest receives a $2,000 award.

ODFW’s stamp art competitions:

Habitat Conservation Stamp
Art entries must feature an eligible species from the Oregon Conservation Strategy in its natural habitat. See contest rules and entry form for a list of eligible species.

Upland Game Bird Stamp Contest
All entries must feature the spruce grouse in its natural habitat setting. See contest rules and entry form for more information.

Waterfowl Stamp Contest
Art entries must feature Western Canada goose, surf scoter, cinnamon teal, or snow goose in its natural habitat setting: More information on the contest rules and entry form.

Entries can be delivered or shipped to ODFW headquarters between August 28 and 5 p.m. September 25, 2020 at 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302. Artists, please see the final page on contest rules for packaging tips.

A panel will judge artwork based on artistic composition, anatomical accuracy of the species, and general appeal. All qualifying submissions are displayed for public viewing at ODFW’s annual November art show, date TBD.

Collector’s stamps, art prints and other promotional materials are produced from first place artwork. Proceeds from product sales are used habitat improvement, research surveys, and conservation projects.

Interested artists are encouraged to visit ODFW’s stamp art competition webpage for more information on the contests and to view entries from previous years.

Visit the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website to learn more and view the original announcement.

Call for Artists: THE ART of SHELTERING IN PLACE. A Benefit for Portland Area Artist Emergency Relief Fund

OSA is proud to announce a new online show featuring artwork created by artists while confined to their homes and studios. 

Join OSA in a celebration of creativity unleashed during this quarantine.  Help us bring hope, spread joy and give back to our community.  Please enjoy artwork featured in the following categories:

  •  “Essential Workers”
  • “The Healing Power of Nature”
  •  “Interior Moods & Places”
  •  “Safe Open Spaces”
  •  “Community Matters”

This is an online non-juried show, open to both OSA members and non-members.

SHOW: June 1st to July 31st

The entry fee is $35 for 2 pieces of work ($10 of each entry fee will be donated to Portland Area Artist Emergency Relief Fund, pdxartistrelief.com)

If you have questions, contact Oregon Society of Artists:

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